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Monday, 5 July 2010

We must Save Our Scout HQ

Hello, thank you so much for taking an interest in my blog. I am trying to support an issue that I care a lot about. I want to stop Torbay Council from knocking down the scout Head Quarters for 6th Torbay Sea Scouts and the buildings/shops next to it. In its place they want to extend the harbour and put in new cafes and shops, getting rid of the old ones.

I don’t want this to happen because 190 young people use the facilities each week, meaning that it offers a brilliant way to entertain young people and helping them to become more interested in the bay.

As you can see form the picture above, we currently have a great location, right next to the harbour, and our location is very important to us as we are SEA scouts and need to be next to the sea. At the moment it is very easy for us to do water activities as we are literally 5 seconds from the harbour. If we had to move then it would be very complicated and difficult to do our water activities as we would be much further away.

People who walk/cycle to scouts may not be able to attend as we will be too far away from their home. Also the current businesses would lose their shops and all of their customers would go to the new cafes and shops. As you can see, if the proposal were to go ahead then it would a have massive impact on 6th Torbay Sea Scouts, and the businesses that surround it.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog. Please, please comment on my blog and help me stop Torbay Council’s plans. It would be greatly appreciated if you could answer any of the following questions:

• Before you read this blog where you for, against, undecided/unaware of the issue?
• Now that you have read this blog are you for, against, undecided/unaware of the issue?
• Have I changed your opinion of this issue?
• Would you tell your friends/family about this issue?
• If you had the opportunity, would you actively discourage the proposal? E.g. sign a petition?

Thank you very much!



  1. Hey Ginnie,
    Before i read this i wasn't aware of the issue but it seems to be a big problem. It would obviusly be hard for you and the scouts if you had to move further away. I am now opposed of the issue. I will spread the word and will be happy to sign a petition. Whats more, scouts is a great thing for young childeren to take part in and i think we should make it as easy accesable for as many childeren as possible to be able to acess the oppotunity, not make it harder for them to get there. Keep going and Good luck!

  2. Ginnie,
    i had no idea about your issue before, but now i have read your blog i see how diffiult it will be for the sea scouts to move. i would be happy to sign a petition and i will spread the news. good luck with your campaign,

  3. Heyy Ginnie!
    I was not aware of your issue before I read this! And now I am I can now see why it is hard for your scouts to move! I will definitely tell people of the issue and sign petitions etc :)

  4. Hi Ginnie
    I completely understand that you don't want the scout building to be knocked down as young people might really enjoy it however if it was knocked down then Torbay would lose a scout group. I will support it gladly.

  5. i really understand this problem as i know quite a lot of people involved with sea scouts. if the building were to be knocked down i know that a lot of families would be very upset. definately got my support. :)

  6. Hey Ginnie! Great blog!Answers to your questions:
    I was unaware of the issue
    I am against it being knocked down.

    The building shouldn't be knocked down I definetly support your issue!!! From Ellie x

  7. HEYYA GINNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
    Brilliant Blog.
    I was most certainly unaware of the issue.
    I am against it being knocked down even though it doesn't affect me that much.
    Yes, because I didn't have an opinion on this issue because I never knew it existed.
    I would tell my friends abou the issue.
    I would sign a petition ;)

  8. It is terrible the council want to knock down the scount HQ and the surrounding shops. I am definatley against the issue! Wonderful cause to support.

  9. Since Kieth left as Harbour master I have witnessed theso but sure destruction of Paignton Harbour,many of the changes being for the worst,ie the dive shop the only place in the bay where visiting and local divers could get air refills from there boats.a chandlers closed. The only positive addition is a RYA school.when pete & sandra left the dive shop and cafe, alot of the customers left with them.Now the scout group. I think the problem is the Harbour supervisor what next? fill in the Harbour and build a golf course.
    If the council would like to do something pro active and constructive replace the Harbour supervisor with a harbour master again, and put the harbour back to normal. it works for Brixham.(community harbour).

  10. I was unaware of this issue
    I am against the scout hut being knocked down
    Yes you've change dmy opinion as now I know the bad effects of the hut being knocked down
    Yes I would tell my family and friends about this issue
    I would definitely sign a petition

    Good informative blog :)

  11. Hey ginnie
    • i was completely unaware of this.
    • i am against it being knocked down after reading your blog.
    • yes you have
    • yes
    • yes i would do all of them

  12. I was not aware of this issue before i saw this blog, however, there is a similar issue with the scout head quarters that my son attends at the moment. It would be a tragedy if he lost his scout HQ and i am sure that it would also be devastating if the same happened to you.
