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Friday 30 September 2011

Why does Great Ormond Street Hospital need our help?

Thank you for taking an interest in my blog. I am very interested in getting people to donate and help people at Great Ormond Street. With many people staying in GOSH the amount of people going into the hospital are going up and children are getting more ill if they don’t get the treatment they need. People who have a strong disability or are critically ill are in more danger if they don’t get the treatment they need.

This is Dominic’s story he became a very small and tiny baby at 8 months old. He was also staying in a care home before getting adopted by his parents. He has a huge number of problems caused by his Mother when she was drinking when she was pregnant. When he went to stay in the care home he became very vulnerable and didn’t want to interact with other people. He wouldn’t eat from a spoon or plate and he had to get tube fed. The first time he went to the hospital was when he was 1 year old and he was unable to open his eyes. But at 4 years old he was able to open his eyes again after having amazing and successful surgery for him to be able to open his eyes again. He couldn’t open his eyes because he had no muscles in his eyelids. If you would like to find out more information on Dominic’s story please visit their website. www.gosh.org.uk.

Just £3.00 a month (or 10p a day) will make a big difference to the children and families of Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The picture above is to show you different ideas at Great Ormond Street Hospital to raise money for their charity:

It has fundraising ideas, school and youth funding and become a friend of the hospital via their website www.gosh.org.uk

http://www.gosh.org/gen/why-we-need-your-help/ - this is a video link to watch a short one minute video on Great Ormond Street’s Website.

Thank you so much again reading my blog. If you are interest to post a response, please can you tell me where you come from i.e. your home town & country (if you are not from the UK!)
 Have you about the problems caused for people in GOSH?
 Do you now feel more informed about the people with a disability?

Would you now:
1. Make a donation to Great Ormond Street Hospital?
2. Sign up for a regular information leaflet on Great Ormond Street Hospital?
3. Please tell you family and friends about persuading them to help?

http://www.gosh.org/gen/why-we-need-your-help/ - this is a video link to watch a short one minute video on Great Ormond Street’s Website.

Thank you very much



  1. I'll tell my family about the information leaflet and donating. It's a great cause.
    Jenny, Torquay

  2. Yes, it's really unfortunate.
     Yes, especially Dominic's condition.

    Would you now:
    1. Probably not.
    2. Maybe.
    3. I will.

  3. Hi Lucy
    A very good blog! Well done for all your wonderful work! This has made me more aware of the issue.
    Thank you

  4. Yes, yes
    1. Possibly
    2. Possibly
    3. Yes

  5. Hello Lucy, My daughter has to go to GOSH quite regularly so she finds this very imformative! Thankyou!
