A complete list of our posts addressing various citizenship issues can be accessed by clicking through the chronological list on the right hand side of this page. Alternatively you can use the 'Search This Blog' option below the Torquay Girls Grammar School Logo.

Please note that comments for pre-2013 posts have now been disabled. However, we encourage you to leave a comment on any of the new 2013 issues that interest you by clicking on 'comments' at the end of each post. All comments are moderated by school staff prior to posting.

Friday 25 November 2011

Cancer is a word, not a sentence

My name is Katy and thank you for taking the time to read my blog and showing an interest in my chosen topic. I hope that after reading this you will support my cause even more if you did already and I hope you would be willing to donation even the slightest bit of money to the organisation.  My aim is to raise awareness about this issue and I chose this issue because I know people close to me who have suffered from cancer and Macmillan have helped them and helped them to survive. Since being first introduced in 1911 Macmillan has improved immensely and in the past year over 2million people in the UK have had cancer and Macmillan Cancer Support have helped over 1million of them. Macmillan cancer support is a organisation that treats people with cancer and helps to support them through the process. It is an establishment that relies on people donations and fundraising because without them Macmillan Cancer Support wouldn’t be what it is today. You can do this by going on this website: 


If people didn’t donate then Macmillan wouldn’t be able to help as many people because their money would be running out therefore they won’t be able to supply all the medicine that is needed to treat people and then within a year or two Macmillan would be severely struggling to treat and help cancerous people. Cancer is an illness which everybody knows is common but if it has not affected someone you know then it seems like a fantasy. Well it’s actually the reality, if someone you knew was suffering from any cancer you would want people to treat them and make them better (if possible). Macmillan helps people in these situations and they also help the family to cope with the illness and they teach them how to look after them when they are at home. Without Macmillan so many more people would be dying of cancer and families of them might not be able to deal with it. You can help to support Macmillan by:
  • Great London Swim
  • Longest Day Golf Challenge
  • Biking Events
  • House of Lords vs House of Commons Tug of War
These are only a few ways in which you can support them.

Macmillan really needs fundraising and all of the money you give goes to things such as:
  • New medical treatment for patients
  • Surgical Equipment for operations
  • Saves thousands of lives all around the UK
  • Higher the survival rate of cancer
  • Changes the lives of people and give them the opportunity to have a normal life.
It is so simple so please give up some of your time and money, it will help to make the difference that is needed. Please post a note so I can have some evidence that my blog has been well received

Ø  Have you heard of Macmillan Cancer Support before reading my blog?
Ø  Do you now feel more informed about the cause?
Ø  Would you now feel prepared to support them?

  1. Make monthly donations
  2. Get involved with their events
  3. Tell your friends/family about this
  4. Sign up to receive more information about it

Remember with Macmillan Support cancer is just a word, not a life sentence

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Support the Cat Protection League – Cats have rights too!!

Hi I’m Milly and I have chosen to do the Cat Protection League for my GCSE citizenship.

There are lots of animal charities supporting a wide range of animals; Dogs Trust, RSPCA, Blue Cross, PDSA and Bornfree are all just a few but there are many, many more. I have chosen to do the CPL because it is something I can relate to, my cat means the world to me and I can truly appreciate the work that the CPL are doing for less fortunate cats all around the UK.

Every year many cats and kittens are getting abandoned and being left unwanted. The CPL are saving more than 230,000 cats a year since 1928 through their network of over 250 volunteer centres, 29 adoption centres and homing centre. They also work with the public, schools and clubs to get support and many people do fundraising activities to raise money and awareness.

Many people donate to the CPL every month but they are getting more and more cats in everyday and the costs are getting higher. So many cats are being left homeless and it is always down to the CPL to take care of them, they never turn down a cat. Luckily with all the donations they have been hard at work for many years but it’s also thanks to the many volunteers who help take care of and home cats and kittens. Although you have to be 16 to legally be able to volunteer any one can do a fundraising event or even 
foster a cat, all the help is appreciated and it would make a big difference to a cats life.

The CPL are paying for food, a warm house, toys, litter, vet bills and drink for every cat they shelter but it’s a lot to pay for and every donation and volunteer makes a BIG difference. Even if you are just considering buying a cat, look around the CPL shelters because you might find that cute, furry feline you’ve been looking for! I think it’s safe to say there is a cat out there for every person but there isn’t a person for every cat.

One very inspiring story is ‘Dewey’- a book a about a cat abandoned in a library book return box on a snowy January night. Although it is set in Spencer (a small town in Iowa, America) it underlines that there is a problem all around the world with how cats are being treated and how people can help make a difference. It inspired me to get a cat and I’m hoping it’ll inspire people reading this blog to not only donate to the CPL but finds ways they could change a cats life. Dewey became a famous cat all around the world and although he’s passed away now he changed so many people’s lives with his story.

Every cat is special and deserves the chance to live a full and happy life. Please give them that chance and donate to the CPL. I would love it if you could give me some evidence of how successful my blog was and if you would like to help. If you could respond by answering some short questions, here they are, and thank you:

·             - Have you ever heard of the CPL before reading this?
·             - Do you feel more informed?
·             - Would you be prepared to support the CPL?
·             - Would you make a donation?
·             - Would you tell your friends to support the CPL?
·             - FINALY please state your hometown and  country (if not UK)

Thank you very much.


To find a CPL centre in your area visit: http://www.cats.org.uk/

To find out more about Dewey’s story visit: http://www.spencerlibrary.com/dewey.shtml

Help Defend the Natural World – Stop Climate Change, Defend Oceans, Forests, and Work for Peace!

Thank you for showing an interest in my blog! In the blog below, I am trying to gain awareness for the needed respect of the natural world with the charity Greenpeace. This is a very good charity that helps work for defense against climate change, pollution in oceans, deforestation, toxics and anything that might destroy the chances of a greener and more peaceful world.

This charity helps defend the natural world and promotes peace by investigating, exposing and confronting environmental abuse, and championing environmentally responsible solutions. All over the world people have woken up to the threat of climate change, pollution and the cutting down of trees and are working to reduce the damage by reducing the use of fossil fuels, stopping forest destruction, getting power from clean energy and many more ways to ensure the sustainability of the Earth!

Every year more and more animals are becoming the victims of habitat destruction and soon so will humans, but there are ways you could help stop this including fundraising and/or donating to Greenpeace, campaign online, volunteer, and generally become more aware of the cause and telling your friends or family about it.

Soon, if the environment continues to be treated with disrespect, our future generations will be living in the scraps of the mistreated planet. We need to provide the needs of present generations while identifying the needs of future generations and taking action against behaviour that could destruct it!

Why we should help the planet:

·              - The number of extinct animals are increasing each year due to destruction of habitats.
·              - Marine ecosystems are destroyed due to the lack of respect of the ocean.
·              - If we want a healthy planet, we have to take action against the oil industry and pollution.
·              - As shown in the image above, forests are being cut down and destroyed.
·              - To learn more information about why we should help and the vision of Greenpeace, see:      http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/about/our-vision.

I hope you are more informed about Greenpeace and the work they do and together we can help the planet to become a more eco-friendly and sustainable place! At the bottom I would love if you could give me some evidence of how successful my blog was and if you would like to help. If you could respond by answering some short questions, here they are, and thank you:

Have you ever heard of Greenpeace before reading?

Do you feel more informed?

Would you be prepared to support Greenpeace?

Would you make a donation?

Would you tell your friends to support Greenpeace?

Have I changed your attitude towards the environment and the urge to protect it? If yes, how?

And if possible state your hometown and/or country!

Thank you very much. Imogan.

Friday 30 September 2011

Why does Great Ormond Street Hospital need our help?

Thank you for taking an interest in my blog. I am very interested in getting people to donate and help people at Great Ormond Street. With many people staying in GOSH the amount of people going into the hospital are going up and children are getting more ill if they don’t get the treatment they need. People who have a strong disability or are critically ill are in more danger if they don’t get the treatment they need.

This is Dominic’s story he became a very small and tiny baby at 8 months old. He was also staying in a care home before getting adopted by his parents. He has a huge number of problems caused by his Mother when she was drinking when she was pregnant. When he went to stay in the care home he became very vulnerable and didn’t want to interact with other people. He wouldn’t eat from a spoon or plate and he had to get tube fed. The first time he went to the hospital was when he was 1 year old and he was unable to open his eyes. But at 4 years old he was able to open his eyes again after having amazing and successful surgery for him to be able to open his eyes again. He couldn’t open his eyes because he had no muscles in his eyelids. If you would like to find out more information on Dominic’s story please visit their website. www.gosh.org.uk.

Just £3.00 a month (or 10p a day) will make a big difference to the children and families of Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The picture above is to show you different ideas at Great Ormond Street Hospital to raise money for their charity:

It has fundraising ideas, school and youth funding and become a friend of the hospital via their website www.gosh.org.uk

http://www.gosh.org/gen/why-we-need-your-help/ - this is a video link to watch a short one minute video on Great Ormond Street’s Website.

Thank you so much again reading my blog. If you are interest to post a response, please can you tell me where you come from i.e. your home town & country (if you are not from the UK!)
 Have you about the problems caused for people in GOSH?
 Do you now feel more informed about the people with a disability?

Would you now:
1. Make a donation to Great Ormond Street Hospital?
2. Sign up for a regular information leaflet on Great Ormond Street Hospital?
3. Please tell you family and friends about persuading them to help?

http://www.gosh.org/gen/why-we-need-your-help/ - this is a video link to watch a short one minute video on Great Ormond Street’s Website.

Thank you very much


Monday 12 September 2011

We Should Ban The Cruel Cosmetic Testing On Animals!

Thank you for taking time to read our blog on cosmetic testing. Our aims are to create awareness of how much suffering is going into everyday products before going on sale to the public. We would also like to gain support for the Body Shop, as they ‘have always believed passionately that animals should not be used for animal testing’ and therefore have never tested on animals, insisting that their suppliers do the same.

Currently, around 38 000 animals including dogs, rabbits, monkeys and cats suffer from life changing injuries or result in death due to experiments being experimented on them. This will keep happening if someone does not put a stop to it, as there are still 177 worldwide companies that test on animals, including Max Factor, Maybelline, Herbal Essences, Dove and L’oréal. It has also been proven that even though scientific labs test new products on animals they are not completely reliable. So why deny a living thing it right to freedom and its life for a result that isn’t even reliable to us, humans?

Animal testing has been around since the ancient Greeks during the 3rd and 4th centuries BC. Aristotle (a Greek philosopher as well as a teacher) and Erasistratus (a royal physician) were the first to perform experiments on animals. Therefore the method of testing whether substances are safe for us to use has been adapted through centuries upon centuries of what originally seemed like innocent research methods.

An alternative to animals testing is using fragments of human skin to experiment on rather than animals. Furthermore the results would be directly applicable to people. This method has been scientifically proven.

If it is so easy to stop then why do people still test on animals? The answer is simple because they think that animals are not as important as we are. However, this is completely wrong as without many of the animals we have, our lives wouldn’t be the same. If more and more people become aware of this matter we could help stop animal testing for good.

What could you do to help? We would be very grateful if you could please leave your views and comments. If you do decide to post please can you tell us where you come from i.e. your home town or country. If we stand together we can beat cosmetic testing on animals.

- Did you know about animal testing before our blog?
- Do you now feel more informed about the topic?
- Have we changes your mind in any way? If so how?

If you would like to know more about cosmetic testing on animals feel free to visit the following websites: http://www.animalaid.org.uk/h/nCAMPAIGNS/experiments/ALL///

Friday 9 September 2011

The NSPCC. Put a full stop to child abuse. FULL STOP.

Thank you for taking time to read our blog! Ruth and I have chosen to do the NSPCC as our GCSE citizenship as we feel this is an extremely important campaign to support seeing as it aids a huge amount of people in many ways. As you know, child abuse stories are over the news quite often, some are extremely horrific but people don’t realise that it’s not just physical abuse children receive, but also neglect and mental abuse. So many children lose out on their most amazing time of their life; their childhood just because they do not have the confidence to confide in anybody nor have anybody to reach out to. But if we were to raise more awareness on the matter more children may hear about the NSPCC and finally confide in somebody. If you don’t support the NSPCC by the end of reading this, we will assure you that you shall be highly against the idea of child abuse.

We personally think people should be more aware of what is going on around us; we should feel more sympathetic to others around us. You may never know what people in your school may go through at home. Everybody has hard times, but they are most definitely not as upsetting as what children being abused have to deal with everyday. We want to raise more awareness so that more people shall donate money meaning they can receive more calls from children being abused or people knowing of some unusual happenings in homes nearby. The NSPCC cannot afford to receive all the calls made, but with more money they have the chance of saving so many lives and childhoods in the world, they are a strong advocacy group known well throughout the world. Many are moved by the adverts and stories they read, but unfortunately many do not do enough about it. Wouldn’t you really like to be able to say, ‘I saved that girls life, just by donating £2 pounds a month’ or ‘Because of the NSPCC he was able to confide in them and ask for help’? Most people would love to be able to say anything like that, because they would know that they have made a difference to a child’s life in the real world.

Look at this image, of a small scared child, someone whose life YOU have the power to influence. To wipe the nervous, frightened look off their face, and replace it with a beaming smile. As said above you can donate money in order to do this, but also take part in many different fundraising events across the country. So many people work hard every day to help children, and you can be part of it.

We can’t stress the point enough, you need to help.

Thank you for reading our blog, we hope that we have convinced you to make a difference. Please post a response below on the issues we have brought to your attention, and let us know how successful it was. For more information visit www.nspcc.org.uk.

Please post a response to the following questions and if possible could you tell us where you come from i.e. hometown/country?

* Had you heard about the problems caused for people who have been abused in their lifetime?
* Do you now feel more informed about the issues faced by people being abused?
* Would you now be prepared to do any of the following things to help improve the lives of people who have suffered abuse..
     1) Make a donation to ‘NSPCC’?
     2) Start or join a Fundraising campaign?
     3) Tell your family & friends about the ‘NSPCC’ & try to persuade them to help out in any of the ways above?

Many thanks for your time,
From Ruth and Phoebe 

We Should Save The Bee!

Thank you for taking your time to look at our blog, we hope that you will learn something by the end! The aim of our blog is to raise awareness of the problem that means bees are disappearing all over the world, the Pressure Group ‘Plan Bee’ are trying to do something about this. People think because there are so many millions of bees in the world already, this isn’t an issue they need to worry about. Unfortunately, it is.

Bees contribute hundreds of thousands of pounds to the economy each year, not only honey and bee’s wax but designs for items and accessories. They are vital in the life cycle of plants and animals because they pollinate plants, and give animals and humans food. This means if the bee goes so does 70% of the food that we eat.

There are many reasons why the sudden disappearance of these are human related for example: pollution, landfill sites, plants being ripped or trodden on. All of these are things that we can control. The Cooperative has set up a program called ‘Plan Bee’ and there are many charities that are concerned about the matter. As you can see the issue is very important to us as we care very much about the environment and we are doing our best to help. Small things like planting ‘bee-friendly’ plants in your garden can make a big difference, donating small amounts of time or money, fundraising- all of these things could help make sure that the decline of bees doesn’t keep lowering until numbers reach a critical point.

We have already received a response from representatives of The Cooperative and we need your support, please help us in any way possible we need your help to make our topic successful. If you have any ideas please leave a comment. Below are two links one to the Plan Bee website and the other to a PowerPoint presentation.
Visit Plan Bee | Save the Bees - join our campaign | The Co-operative to see work by the Cooperative.

You may wonder what you can do, or how this could affect you, but all we ask you to do is help us by leaving a comment, buying organic honey, anything you do will help. With climate change getting more drastic bees will suffer as they rely on a healthy environment to live. Even by walking somewhere instead of driving you are helping!!

Please help us try to BEE GOOD!!!

We would appreciate it very much if you would please leave a comment or answer the short series of questions below:

1) Did you know about ‘Plan Bee’ before you read this or that is was an important issue?
2) Do you now feel fully informed?
3) Would you change your behaviour to help bees, such as being more eco friendly by…
-Creating a ‘bee friendly’ garden?
-Walking instead of driving?
-Putting litter in the bin?
-Taking more care of your garden?
4) Would you get involved in fundraising?
5) Would you tell your family/ friends about this issue?

Thank you again for taking time to read our blog. We hope you can make a difference.

Ros and Gracie

Thursday 8 September 2011

We should Beat Bear Bile Farming

Hi, our names are Maisie and Priya, thank you for showing an interest in our blog. We want to inform you on the disturbing issue of Bear Bile Farming. Bear Bile Farming is an issue growing throughout Asia. The bile extracted is used to create traditional Chinese medicines. During the process of extraction, the bears experience a lot of pain. Although there are alternative herbal remedies available, bile is still being used in medicines. We believe that you should support the WSPA as if this carries on, ‘Moon’ Bears will eventually become extinct. We need to change the attitudes and opinions of the retailers and buyers of products containing bear bile.

Bile is extracted from Black Asian Bears by stressful and discomforting methods, these include:

• Free Drip – a permanent wound made in the bear’s abdomen which continually releases bile.
• Latex Catheter – a narrow rubber pipe embedded under the bear’s skin which is attached to the gall bladder.
• Metal jacket- A rubber pipe is connected to a fluid bag inside a metal box. This is attached to a metal jacket. The bile is drained through the pipe into a fluid bag.

We believe that you should support the WSPA and our campaign because:

• The Black Asian Bears have done nothing wrong to deserve the excruciating pain and they don’t deserve to live in the conditions of that in the above picture.
• The moon bears are becoming extinct which is yet another one of our many species. We need to save them because why are they valued less than any other species?
• By capturing the Moon Bears we are interfering with nature and the way it should be and affecting Earth in the long run.
• We believe you should support the WSPA because they are stopping animal abuse and are well focused on helping the Moon Bears.
• Finally, Bear Bile Farming is cruel and unnecessary so by supporting the WSPA, you are relieving another animal from pain.

We would like to thank you again for taking the time to read our blog. We have a few questions that we would like to ask you if you have time. If you do have a moment would you please also tell us where you live i.e. your home town and country?

 Did you support the WSPA previously? If so, why and what cause interested you?
 Did you know about Bear Bile Farming before reading this blog?
 Do you now feel more informed about the issue Bear Bile Farming?
 Would you support our campaign to stop Bear Bile Farming?
 Would you consider making a donation today at http://www.wspa.org.uk/ ?
 Would you now tell your family and friends about our campaign so we can put a final stop to Bear Bile Farming?

Thank you very much for reading

Maisie and Priya

Monday 5 September 2011

Stop The Animals Suffering, support the RSPCA

Thank you for taking an interest in my blog! I personally love animals and this subject was very important to me. I truly believe the RSPCA are worth supporting as they do critically important work for animals all over the country and in Wales. Although the RSPCA already have many wonderful supporters, they rely heavily on the public’s support and the support they receive helps them continue their amazing work.

I’m sure most people are aware of the RSPCA and the work they do, but for those who don’t: The RSPCA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, work all over the UK and in Wales. They (in every possible legal way) prevent cruelty, promote kindness and care for animals in any situation.

I aim to raise awareness to the work the RSPCA do and I would love to gain some support for the charity.

I thought I should share with you the story of the Amersham Horses as I feel it truly highlights the vitally important work the RSPCA, along with similar charities, do. In 2008 more than 100 horses were removed from the horrifying conditions at Spindle Farm near Amersham, Buckinghamshire. This has been names one of the most disgusting and costly animal cruelty cases ever seen. The media followed the situation from the very beginning and the public were horrified at the upsetting images of more than 100 horses suffering in squalid conditions at the horse dealer’s farm. Fortunately some of the horses made the journey from hopeless horror to a happy life with hope for the future. In one specific case on the farm, 9 live horses were being kept in a tiny little pen with two already dead horses. On the farm there were 32 dead horses and over 100 horses had to be removed. The conditions were absolutely revolting and very upsetting to learn about. It was a joint effort between related animal charities, including the RSPCA, to get horses off the farm into healthy conditions and on the road to recovery. The RSPCA took in 41 of the horses and 5 foals were later born in their care. All of them recovered and most of them were able to be re-homed. It was a disturbing case but with the work of the RSPCA and the other charities did; there was a happy ending for these horses. In total this operation cost the charities £2.3 million! All this money came from the dedicated supporters!

When you support the RSPCA you support work like this, you support the animals who are at the receiving end of the pain and you give them hope.

You don’t need to do much to make a difference. You could donate a little bit of money, volunteer at one of the shelters or charity shops, you could fundraise, join an RSPCA campaign or adopt one of the lovely animals who would love a new home.

Kindness to animals can make life better, not just for the animals, but also for people. Whatever animals mean to you- a treasured companion, a wild marvel, a working animal, or food produce- treating all living creatures with compassion has benefits for you too.

I would really appreciate it if you could please take the time to answer these questions in a comment:

• Are you now more aware of the work the RSPCA do?
• Would you now consider supporting the RSPCA if you didn’t already?
• Did you already know anything about the RSPCA?
• Could you please leave your home town/country in your comment, if you’re not in the UK

Thank you very much for taking an interest in this topic and reading my blog! If you would like any further information please visit www.rspca.org.uk or leave a question in your comment.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Stop Animals cruelty, Support Animals in Distress!

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Animals in distress are a local charity that support animals that have been abandoned or mistreated or their owners cannot look after them anymore. Animals in Distress is run by volunteers and donations, they need your help to carry on helping innocent animals.

Animals in Distress re-home over 1,000 pets a year, and every year that figure gets bigger. Animals in Distress support a variety of different animals, ranging from dogs to rodents.

Easter the rabbit was abandoned when she was very little. Animals in Distress found her and brought her in along with the other little rabbit she was with. She was adopted by a lovely family that looks after her very well. She was adopted as a pair with the rabbit that she was abandoned with, name Tanzy. After Easter and Tanzy were adopted they settled in very well, but unfortunately Tanzy had to be put to sleep as she suffered from hip problems, so the family adopted Cody, also from Animals in Distress. Now Easter is happy again that she has Cody for company. If it weren’t for Animals in Distress Easter, Tanzy and Cody wouldn’t have survived.

There are thousand of rabbits, just like Easter, along with cats, dogs and other pets, that wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for Animals in Distress. We hope you will help us by leaving a comment answering the following questions;

- Were you already aware of the work Animals in Distress do?

- Would you now consider donating or fundraising for the Animals in Distress or volunteering at their centre or their shop?

- Have we changed your views on supporting Animals in Distress?

Thank you for reading our blog!

Help for Heroes – Helps the Heroes

Hello, my name is Isabelle and my blog is about Help for Heroes however before I tell you about the charity I would first like to thank you for choosing to read my blog and share my aims with you. I have only have a few aims these are…

1) To raise awareness to help for heroes

2) To convince people to support help for heroes

3) To raise some money for the charity.

Help for Heroes is a charity that was set up by Emma and Bryn parry in 2007 in aid of the wounded soldiers and their families as well. The money raised by help for heroes goes towards a mixture of things including a range of recovery centres across the country to help the wounded boost their confidence and recover as best as they can also housing families near to their loved ones. They do this by taking part and organising many different fundraisers which range between bike rides, concert, the marathon and many others.

Your probably thinking why should I care it’s got nothing to do with me but actually they got injured fighting for OUR country to protect US and they have a right to be helped.

Craig lundberg is 22 years of age and was serving in The army when he got hit by 2 rocket propelled grenades his injuries were severe and included; nearly losing an arm, extremly bad burns, he is also now blind. Whilst Craig was recovering two close friends, Adam smith and Alan Jones were killed within a week of each other. And despite the doctors telling him not to go he still managed to get to both of them. This shows that even though they have been through a lot they are still great people they are also like us therefore we should help them to live a normal life.

Once again I would like to thank you for reading my blog and would love to know what you think of it therefore I have a few quick questions:

1) Have you heard of help for heroes before?

2) Do you feel more informed about help for heroes?

3) Would you donate money to this charity?

Please leave your hometown and country (if not the UK) you can also go to www.helpforheroes.org.uk for more information.

Thank you so much for reading, Isabelle.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

We Should Help The Animals In Distress-They Can’t Help Themselves!

Hello my name is Alisha and I would firstly like to thank you for reading my blog about the organisation Animals In Distress.

The Animals In Distress centre was opened in 1994 and rehomes over 1000 animals a year, due to reasons such as illness, cruelty, financial difficulties and more, and this number is constantly rising! Animals In Distress never turn away an animal (providing there is accommodation) and never put an animal down, unless the animal is too dangerous or ill to be rehomed. They provide the animals with a shelter food, veterinary care, and exercise.

Take Charlie and Rosa, the rabbits. They were found in a box in Cockington as their owners could not care for them any longer. If Animals In Distress had not taken Charlie and Rosa in they could have died. Now they can spend the rest of their lives in secure surroundings. Take Brixton. Brixton was a cat that came in as a stray. He was poorly and was on medication for cystitis. The centre did not know what he had been through and he can be a little feisty. Thankfully, Animals In Distress could take in Brixton and care for him until he was back to full health. Hopefully Brixton will find a loving home where he can relax and enjoy life. However Animals in Distress couldn’t do this without our help.

Would you have a place in your heart for an animal like Brixton? If you are considering getting a pet, would you ever consider getting an animal from a rescue centre? Animals In Distress ensures every effort is taken to find the animal a loving home with an owner that will love and care for them, and give them a second chance in life.
So how can you help?

-Volunteer, help out at the centre!

-Walk the dogs. Why not take a dog out for a walk and give them the exercise!

-Donations. Whether it is a small amount, big amount, or even some pet food, every little helps and is much appreciated!

-Join in with the fundraising! The centre sometimes holds charity events such as dog shows, book stalls, coffee mornings and more!

-Even consider adopting an animal from the centre!

Thank you again for reading my blog and I hope that now you are more aware of this charity, would help out the organisation, or even changed your opinion of this charity. Remember, these animals need your help and it wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of Animals In Distress! It would be very much appreciated if you could answer some of these questions and leave a comment about what you think of my blog! It also would be great if you could tell me where you came from!

-Have I changed your attitude towards Animals In Distress?

-Would you now consider adopting an animal from a rescue centre?

-Have I made you aware of this charity, were you aware of it before?

-Would you support the charity. For example, helping out, donating, going to fundraising events?

For more information go to the Animals In Distress website http://www.animalsindistress.uk.com/index.php or join them on Facebook!


Wednesday 6 July 2011

Stop the tragic reality of Bear bile farming

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog I feel very strongly about bear bile farming and I would like you to be informed by my blog. Not many people are aware of this topic because you don’t hear about it much around the media; bear farming is a real issue that needs to be publicised. The truth is that in some parts of Asia thousands of animals but stopping bear farming is close to my heart and something needs to be done.

I am supporting the charity Animal in Asia Foundation which tries to stop animals from suffering, they deal with many things but their main aim is stop bear bile farming and to rescue bears from cruelty full stop, but they still need your help.

The charity has rescued a massive 354 bears in only a around a decade of charity work Jill is the founder of the charity and put it together in 1995 I hope you feel as strongly about stopping it as she does.

Thousands of bears are being kept in unimaginable conditions all day every day just so the supermarkets can sell traditional medicine which is not guaranteed to work every time. They collect the bile by inserting a catheter into their gland bladders this can become infected and create a lasting effect o the bears. They are kept in extremely small cages with no sunlight except when the people come to give them very little food or come to extract bile once more. The bear’s skin is rubbed raw and they eventually go bald, their nails grow to extreme lengths and they have no life at all. I think this is so wrong and should be stopped this is why I am supporting this advocacy.

How you can help- First of all thank you for taking time to read my blog and if you feel as strongly as I do about it as I do please help by either making a donation to the website http://www.animalsasia.org or just have a look and read Jill’s blog. You don’t have to donate it would be a massive help if you left a comment- if you could please say where you are from e.g. country. Please answer these questions in your comment

Now that you have read my blog would you………………

• Be willing to make a donation?
• Join a fund raiser for animals in Asia?
• Sign up to Animals in Asia and keep up to date with new news
And finally………
• Will you tell your friends and family about animals in Asia and ask them to support the charity

We need to help our Soldiers with ABF the soldiers’ charity!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and showing an interest in my topic! I feel very strongly about helping the soldiers’ because my friend’s dad is out fighting in Afghanistan. My aims are to raise awareness for the soldiers out fighting or fought in a war and need ABF the soldiers’ charity help. ABF the soldiers’ charity is formally known as the Army Benevolent fund but they rebranded last April to appeal to a younger generation. In addition, ABF is a less well known charity so is being shadowed by other soldier charities e.g. Help for heroes. However unlike other soldier charities that only support injured soldiers, ABF helps ALL soldiers, former soldiers and their families so I feel they should be known for their amazing support for soldiers.

Corporal Andy Reid is currently in rehabilitation following the severe injuries he received by an IED (improvised explosive devise) while serving in Afghanistan last autumn. As a result of the explosion he lost both legs and his right arm. ABF Helped Andy recover by:

• Giving him ongoing treatment for his left arm (medical support).
• Adapted his house with a wheelchair ramp (Technical support).
• They were able to make an immediate grant to cover the cost of this installation (financial support).

Andy quoted: “I’m grateful for the help that I’ve received. I couldn’t get into my home until the adaptations were done and The Soldiers’ Charity did the work in about 10 days.”

Why should you care? I’m not here to give you a lecture or give you orders I’m not going to force you to care about soldiers but they are normal people. They don’t have big powers. There not in a video game so can’t restart there life when they die. Once there injured there injured for life. Once there dead there gone forever. There not fighting for pure enjoyment and anger. They’re fighting for us; they’re fighting for Britain. Although you might argue that they chose to be in the Army that is correct however they still risk their life. I’m sure you would all know if a footballer died but nobody could name every single soldier that has died in the wars. Soldiers don’t get paid half as much as footballers yet they are risking far more than important things than money.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and showing an interest in ABF the soldier’s charity. If you need any more information post a question on my blog or you can visit www.soldierscharity.org. I would much appreciate you to leave a comment on my blog of your opinions. In your response could you please tell me where you’re from i.e. home town and country? If you do post a comment, please could you include the following:

 Had you previously heard about ABF the soldiers’ charity?
 Do you now feel more informed on ABF the soldiers’ charity and how it helps?
 If given the opportunity, would you be prepared to make a small donation to ABF the soldiers’ charity?
 Before reading my blog what was your opinion on soldiers?
 Has it now been changed?

Many thanks,

Monday 4 July 2011

RNLI – We should help the lifeboats of Britain.

Thank you very much for opening my blog. Please stop for a second and take some time to read through it and answer the questions at the bottom as it would be very useful to me.

The RNLI; you may have heard about them but you might just be thinking ‘Actually, who are they?’ or ‘What do they do?’ Here I am going to describe to you who they are, what they do and why they need you.

People that provide a 24/7 lifesaving service, as the picture above shows, is only one of the many ways of summing up the RNLI. Others may be to say ‘The lifeboats of Britain’ or ‘The savers of the sea.’ Not only do they help people out at sea but in land as well. They provide flood rescues in towns and cities. And even when they are at the sea, you don’t have to be on a boat. Body boarding or surfing can be almost as dangerous if you do not play by the rules. They can teach you sea and beach safety so that you don’t end up there any way and so that you can enjoy yourself without worries at the beach.

The only problem is that by ‘they’, I mean volunteers. Unfortunately, the RNLI are not government funded and rely totally on the support of the public. They need you to help them to fundraise and earn money to keep up this fabulous service. But the public don’t seem as willing as I think they should. There’s the odd person that will do something to help but imagine how much more they could do if they had that many more people. I know that not all of us can physically get involved but most of us will all be owners of a bit of spare change. In Britain, small charitable bags can be posted across the country and magazines can be subscribed for. A pound may not sound like much but honestly, it can help anyone across Britain. For more information please visit their website:


Underneath you will find some questions about my blog and I would really appreciate it if you could, please, quickly answer them by leaving a comment. Please leave your name, your hometown and the country that you live in (if not the UK) as I would like to know whether this is being read worldwide or not.

• Had you heard of the RNLI before you read this blog?
• If you did know about the RNLI have I know changed your opinion about them?
• Would you tell your family and friends about the issue and would you try to persuade them to do something about it?
• Would you now be willing to make a donation or even take part in the activities that are put on by the RNLI?

Thank you very much for reading through my blog. I hope that it helped you to understand what a brilliant charity that the Royal National Lifeboat Institution is.

Thursday 23 June 2011

We should be more aware of puppy farming!

Hi my name is Ruby, and I am trying to make people more aware of puppy farming and how you can help!

Dog’s Trust is a pressure group that fights for the rights of dogs. They also rescue puppy farm dogs and find them a loving, caring home. Puppy farms are common in Europe mostly in Wales and Ireland and they home up to a hundred dogs trapped in small cages and forced to breed as many puppies as possible. When they are not needed anymore or are too old to breed they are often killed in a brutal way. If you buy a puppy from a farm like this, you wouldn’t know as the puppies are sold to pet shops and sold from there, but the dog may become ill due to the way it was treated in the farm and it might even die. Dog’s Trust does all they can to rescue these dogs but they cannot achieve anything without YOUR help.

You should care because:

• It is cruelty to animals
• If you buy a puppy from a pet shop or private farm it could be physically and mentally ill and you wouldn’t know at first.

NEVER buy a puppy if you can’t see it with its mother or in its home environment, this way you will not be giving money to the bad guys.

Thank you for reading my blog and if you want to learn more about puppy farming then you can visiting the Dog’s Trust website: http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/

 Had you heard about this topic before reading my blog?
 Do you feel more informed on puppy farming?
 Will you now take more care if you are considering buying a puppy?
 Would you be prepared to support the Dog’s Trust in any of the following ways: tell a friend, make a donation etc.

If you do post a response would you be kind enough to say the rough area or country where you live to enable me to see where my readers are coming from.

Many thanks, Ruby

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Imagine growing up without music. We should help deaf children today.

Thank you for taking time to read our blog! You may not have heard of The ESDDCS or of it’s amazing work, but we hope to make more people aware of this brilliant charity and all of the work it does voluntarily.

The Exeter and South Devon Deaf Children's Society (ESDDCS) have been supporting deaf children (and their families) in the Exeter and South Devon for over 40 years! The charity’s main aims are to support deaf children to develop their effective interaction, communication and to offer every support they can to enable them to develop their full potential.

The charity subsidizes the cost of family trips and outings, including an annual holiday or weekend event, so that it is easy for deaf families to socialize and encourage independence for the deaf children. For example a family membership is only £5 per year. Not only does the charity help children but it is also a great help to the relatives of deaf children, teaching them how to cope with their emotions and to help their relative.

Here is an example of a member from the Society who was helped immensely by the charity while learning to cope with supporting her two deaf grandchildren:

‘The support myself and my family had was invaluable, just knowing other people who understood my feelings and being able to share problems and so many happy times together.’

Please can you spare 2 moments to visit the ESDDCS’ website at http://www.esddcs.co.uk/index.htm for more useful information on how you could help change the lives of many deaf people in the South West.

If you post a response, please can you tell us where you come from i.e. your home town & country (if not UK!)This is only one of many examples of the great work the charity provides so please answer the questions below to let us know your thoughts about the charity.

> Had you heard about the charity before?

> Do you now feel more informed about the issues faced by deaf people?

> Would you now be prepared to do any of the following things to help improve the lives of deaf people?

1. Make a donation to the ESDDCS?
2. Start or join a Fundraising campaign?
3. Support the ESDDCS?
4. Sign the online petition?
5. Tell your family & friends about the ESDDCS and try to persuade them to help out in any of the ways above?

Samantha, Abby and Lucy

Alzheimer’s…Why should you care?

Thank you for showing interest in our blog, we appreciate it greatly. We are going to inform you more about Alzheimer’s and The Alzheimer’s Society. In return we would be grateful if youcould leave a comment after reading our blog.

We believe that The Alzheimer’s disease is not regarded as a very serious illness. However, it is one of the most devastating illnesses and can destroy someone. We want to make it clear how horrible the Alzheimer’s disease is and make sure we raise awareness.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting around 465,000 people in the UK. Alzheimer’s is when your brain cells slowly die off, this results in gradually forgetting more and more things.

The effects of Alzheimer’s are devastating. The people that suffer from Alzheimer’s are normally very scared when left alone and find it extremely hard to cope, even with everyday things. However the person suffering is not the only one who is affected; the carer and the family. Imagine if a loved one forgot who you were-this can happen and does happen to many families in Britain and all over the world. A lot of people think it is just as bad for the family to see this happening to the one they are close to or the one they love.

People in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease may experience lapses of memory and have problems finding the right words. As the disease progresses, they may:

-become confused, and frequently forget the names of people, places, appointments and recent events
-experience mood swings. They may feel sad or angry. They may feel scared and frustrated by their increasing memory loss
-become more withdrawn, due either to a loss of confidence or to communication problems.

As the disease progresses, people with Alzheimer's will need more support from those who care for them. Eventually, they will need help with all their daily activities.

While there are some common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, it is important to remember that everyone is unique. No two people are likely to experience Alzheimer's disease in the same way. The worst stage of Alzheimer’s most people think is the middle stage-when they can’t remember everything but still remember a fair few things. This also a very hard stage for many to cope with because the person knows that they have Alzheimer’s and gets very annoyed and frustrated that they cannot remember what they needed to say/do.

We believe you should care because;

-It could happen to you or a loved one
-The numbers of people suffering are expected to rise drastically
-With your help and support the Society can find a cure and change thousands of lives.

We want to thank you again for showing interest in our blog! If you would like to find out more about the Alzheimer’s Society please follow this link: http://alzheimers.org.uk/

Please leave a comment below answering the following questions and with your home town and country (if not UK)

1) Would you support us now and if so, why?
2) Do you feel more informed about the Alzheimer’s disease and the Alzheimer’s Society?
3) Do you have any unanswered questions?
4) Would you tell other people about it?

Did you know it takes just £5 to pay for one person to attend a half hour session at a monthly Dementia Café, providing information and support for people with dementia and their carers

Thank you again! Demi, Jess and Katherine.

Dolphin Slaughter - Do you know the truth?

Thank you so much for showing an interest in our blog. Sea life slaughter (particularly dolphin slaughter) is a serious problem that we must face before it’s too late. The truth is that every year in places such as Denmark, Norway and mainly Japan, dolphins are rounded into a cove before being cruelly slaughtered to sell as contaminated meat, beauty treatments and other things. Although the word has been out for awhile now there are very few who are aware of it so hopefully this should help raise awareness.

How does dolphin slaughter happen?
The truth is sad but important:
1) In Japan every few months or so (when the dolphins are migrating) the fishermen will sail out into the water and befriend the innocent dolphins the then attract them into the cove where they suddenly pull up a net to make sure they can’t escape. The dolphins struggle and battle against them but seeing other dolphins die makes them stressed and venerable and with nowhere to run they are in a no win situation.
2) Other death techniques involve dolphins being dragged out of the water, their noses tied with rope and sometimes dragged for miles where they will then be hung until they die. But none of this matters to the fishermen as they seem to claim, “The more savage, the nicer the meat tastes.”
3) The struggling ones are brutally killed before being sold as CONTAMINATED meat to mindless members of the public oblivious to the condition of the meat and how it is slaughtered.
4) The healthy ones are sent away to sea life shows but it is estimated that by the time they reach their destination about half the load are dead or in serious conditions from the shock!
The worst part being that in selling this contaminated meat they are putting the very existence of dolphins at risk. In addition to this, in Norway (as mentioned earlier as a dolphin slaughter area), teenage boys slaughter dolphins just to prove the point of becoming a man but don’t do anything with the dead dolphins after they’ve killed them.

Why we need to STOP dolphin slaughter:
1) Because the extinction of dolphins depends on our actions
2) Because the meat sold is contaminated
3) Because the average life span of a dolphin in the wild is 45 years but those in captivity are estimated to die within the first 2 years of being locked up

How can we help?We can stop this happening in Japan by:
• Donating money to the campaign.
• Raising Awareness
• Making people more informed
• Purchasing some clothes or accessories from their website.
• Send letters to the prime minister explaining how you feel
• Get the word out
All of these ideas above are ways that we can help stop the slaughtering of dolphins and sea life in Japan.
Thank you so much again reading our Blog. Please now post us a response with your thoughts. In particular, it would be great if you could write just a few words in answer to the following questions - & help in any way you feel you can. If you feel that you would like to help you can visit this website:
Campaign Whale » Help stop Japan’s secret dolphin slaughter! If you do post a response, please can you tell us where you come from i.e. your home town & country (if not UK!)

 Had you heard about dolphin slaughter in Japan before?
 Do you now feel more informed about this issue?
 Would you now be prepared to do any of the following things to help stop dolphin slaughter:
1. Make a donation to Campaign Whale?
2. Become a member on the Campaign website?
3. Tell your friends and family about Campaign whale and try to persuade them to help?

And remember: ‘A dolphin’s smile is the world’s greatest illusion’

Many Thanks! Chloe, Emily and Amber

Pollution and noise levels rising – THINK – Say no to the Kingskerswell Bypass

Firstly we would like to thank you for taking time to read our blog. For our advocacy we have chosen to support the campaign against the proposal of the Kingskerswell bypass.

The affects of the bypass…

We passionately believe that the new proposed bypass shouldn’t be built and that is why we have taken interest in this topic. We live around the area ourselves and if the bypass was to be built it would not only affect us, but a lot of people around us. As well as the bypass affecting villagers it will also affect the environment in many ways, such as;

• It would disturb wildlife AND plant life – animals habitats will be lost
• It will destroy the true Devonshire countryside
• It will affect global warming – more pollution from vehicle fumes
• More vehicles means more litter around the area

The way in which the bypass, like many others, will affect people living around the area;

• It will raise noise levels disturbing people living in the area
• People’s views and privacy will be taken away
• Also disturb villagers as construction trucks and diggers will be going through the village
• The proposed bypass runs straight past the village church – producing noise and disrespect to the church as it is meant to be a peaceful place of worship

Our aims during our advocacy...

We want to change the attitudes of the people who believe the Kingskerswell Bypass should be built, as we believe it will badly affect people living in the area and affect the environment. Our three main aims during our advocacy to this topic are;

To raise awareness of the problems that will occur if the bypass was to be built. We want to raise awareness to people living locally around the area who don’t realize that all the new traffic will produce more fumes which will affect both the environment and them locally.
To gain support from people who realize why we think the bypass shouldn’t be built and then try to gain support from the local council and for them to agree with our opinions on the bypass, which will then make them want to get involved within the issue.
To change the attitudes, opinions or policy’s of the people who think differently to us, such as people who travel on the A380 to work and have no other route to take and people who think the bypass should be built; we will try to persuade them by telling them our alternative to the Bypass.

To help us with our advocacy, please would you kindly take the time to answer a few questions for us;

• Had you heard about the Kingskerswell Bypass issue before reading our blog?
• Before reading our blog were you for/against the bypass?
• Do you have any views and opinions about the Kingskerswell Bypass?
• After reading our blog do you feel more informed about the issue?
• Would you now be prepared to support us with being against the bypass?

Please note your country or hometown so we can see how effective our advocacy blog has been globally.
For further information on this topic visit this website, http://www.kingskerswellalliance.org.uk/
Many thanks, Gemma and Meg

We Should Ban Bear Bile Farming

First of all I would like to thank you for choosing to take the time to read my blog. You may or may not know about the terrible practice of Moon Bear farming, but if you don't, I would like to tell you the truth about what really happens. My aim is to raise awareness and inform you about the practice of Moon Bear Farming and to explain to you, my readers, what it really is.

Moon bear farming is when Moon Bears are kept in agonizing captivity just so their bile can be extracted from them. The bile is then used in traditional Chinese medicines, some of which are just said to cure a simple headache. The farmers extract the bile using extremely painful methods, and the wounds that are made during the procedure leave the bears in agony every hour of every day.

The bears are kept in small, cramped cages and sometimes the bears can’t even lie down, so they have to live standing up, which puts them through even more unbearable pain.

Bear farms currently exist in China, Vietnam and Korea, even though it is illegal to extract bile from bears in Vietnam and Korea. Japan, Korea, Vietnam and China have the highest demand for bear bile, although bear parts, bile powder and bile products, are also found in Taiwan, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the US and Canada.

The practice of bear farming is completely pointless, as there are over 50 herbal remedies that are a perfectly suitable alternative for the bear bile that they extract and use for traditional Chinese medicines. Those innocent bears go through all of that pain for nothing.

Some Chinese pharmacies and chemists display a sticker on the window of their shop, reading; ‘Healing without harm’, which tells us that the shop is against the practice of bear farming-A very good sign.

There are two main charities that help raise money to stop the practice of bear farming, these charities are the ‘The Animals Asia Foundation’ and ‘World Society for the Protection of Animals-WSPA’. For more information, visit http://www.animalsasia.org/ or http://www.wspa.org.uk/ .

The founder of ‘The Animals Asia Foundation’ is called Jill Robinson. She started the foundation, when in 1993, an undercover visit to a bear farm in southern China changed Jill’s life, exposing the plight of endangered Moon Bears cruelly farmed and milked for their bile. Jill knew how easily herbs and synthetics could replace bear bile, and so she embarked on a journey to end the practice of bear farming once and for all.

In 1995, Jill secured the release of the original bears that she had discovered, changing their lives forever. In 1998, she founded Animals Asia to rescue and raise awareness of the plight of the Moon Bears. In July 2000 she and the Animals Asia team rescued 500 farmed bears. With your help, we can save more.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you have now been informed about the practice of Moon Bear farming. I would be very grateful if you would please post me a response answering the following questions, If you do post a response, please could you tell me where you’re from, i.e. your home town or country (if you don’t live in the UK!)

 Had you ever heard about the practice of Moon Bear farming?
 Do you now feel informed about Moon Bear farming?
 Would you be willing to donate to ‘The Animals Asia Foundation’ or ‘WSPA’?
 Would you persuade your family and friends to support the charities?

Many thanks! Rose.

Size 0 – Know the facts

My name is Chloe and firstly, I would like to thank you for taking an interest in my blog. I hope that after you have read it, you will become more aware of my chosen issue.

The number of teenagers with anorexia has shot up over the last few years. Last year, 84,377 bed days were taken up by those suffering from eating disorders - the equivalent to about 232 beds a day - up from 51,878 in 2002.

Many girls with eating disorders are mostly influenced by either celebrities or others around them. I’m sure you have heard of the term ‘Size 0’. This refers to the smallest size of women’s clothing in the US catalogue system and is roughly equivalent to a UK size 4. It is often used to portray extremely thin individuals (especially women), or trends associated with them.

This is life threatening. Many people and celebrities have died because their bodies could not cope with the severe changes. Anaemia,

One of the main types of people suffering from anorexia or similar eating disorders are budding models. Many model agencies only accept applicants or a certain weight, size and height.

The charily I have chosen is called SWEDA (Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association). They do amazing things for men, women, boys and girls with eating disorders. They are based in Somerset, in the Southwest of England, with the aim of serving those in Somerset and surrounding counties who are affected. Here is the link to the SWEDA website:

Thank you again for taking an interest in my blog. I would be very grateful if you would please answer the following questions. If you do post a response, please can you tell me where you come from i.e. your home town & country (if not UK!)

1). Do you now feel more informed about the issue regarding Size 0/anorexia?
2).Would you support SWEDA by making a donation?
3).Before reading the blog, were you aware that anorexia/size 0 was such a big problem.
4).Would you now join a fundraising campaign?

Thank you again for reading my blog.


Commercial whaling – know the facts.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and I hope you find it very interesting.

Whales in general are in decline and this is mostly due to commercial whaling. This blog has been made to raise awareness. You may have heard about the campaign to reduce commercial whaling in Japan, but Japan is not the only country involved in the devastation of the whale population. Other countries that have their hand in it include: USA (united states of America), Canada , Russia, Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Indonesia, And many more...

In 2006/07 Iceland took 60 Minke whales under a permit for "scientific whaling", up from 39 in the last season. However Iceland announced in October 2006 that in addition to the whales caught for scientific research, they would resume commercial whaling and issued quotas for 30 Minke whales and 9 fin whales.

Norway resumed whaling in 1993 and since then has claimed over 6,879 Minke whales under objection.

Japan took a total of 866 whales in 2006/07 season:

• 3 Southern Hemisphere fin whales,
• 508 Southern Hemisphere minke whales,
• 197 North Pacific minke whales,
• 51 North Pacific Brydes whales,
• 101 North Pacific sei whales,
• 6 North Pacific sperm whales.

Method of killing: Whalers use heavy wood / metal harpoons fired from large guns to kill a whale. This is considered a very inhumane why to kill the whale because it leads to a very slow painful death. The average death time for a harpooned whale is 2-3 minutes, but some have been known to take up to an hour and a half. The death is so slow because unless the harpoon hits a vital organ the whale has to practically bleed to death.


Affect; beside the expansion taking a near deathly blow to whale populations all over the world – reducing pacific grey whales to only about a hundred- there is the possibility that it could have a lasting effect on the ocean food chains . this could result in the breakdown of the ocean eco system.

Some quick questions: Thank you for reading my blog, now could you please answer some quick questions to help me find out how effective I have been in raising awareness of this issue.

• do you feel more informed after reading this blog?
• Would you be prepared to sign a petition to ban commercial whaling all together?
• Do you feel that all the important points are covered in this blog?
• Please feel free to leave any other comments you may have about this issue.
• Could you please tell me your home town and what country live in (if not the uk) from when you leave a comment.

I really Hope you found my blog informative and eye opening . thank you for your time.
