Hello my name is Liberty and I’d like to start by saying thank you for taking the time to read my blog. The topic I have a chosen is children with cancer, I’m trying to raise awareness to you about the charity- Children with cancer and what they do for children, how it affects the children and their families and why this illness is such a danger!
I think you should support my advocacy because Cancer is a life threatening illness and with everyone’s help one day we might be able to cure it! I believe children with cancer are a very helpful charity; they’ve supported families and children to help cope with cancer and raise money for each individual who is suffering! Children with cancer hold many fundraising events to do this! Around 3,600 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in just the UK!
Daisy was only 2 years old when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Here is her story… It started off in nursery where she was falling a lot however nobody thought much of it as she was only young. Every night for hours Daisy would be sick so her parents took her to the GP. She was
constantly going so a week later Daisy’s paediatrician gave her a CT scan; they found a large brain tumour! A few days later she underwent a major operation to remove it. Unfortunately it got worse; the surgeons weren’t able to remove the entire tumour because it was entwined with the nerves controlling her heart rate. They tried and her heart rate dropped dangerously low, twice. An MRI scan also showed that there was another tumour near the pituitary gland. Surgical removal of this would have caused too much damage to other brain structures, so they decided to treat with chemo- or radio- therapy. The fact that Daisy was only 2 years old at diagnosis unfortunately reduced her chances of survival. She woke up with a very bad squint and a face that was paralysed down one side. Her balance was so bad she couldn’t even sit up and she was sick constantly. Cancer is devastating in so many ways. It took her 12 weeks to recover enough for chemotherapy. She also then got meningitis. The parents say: “It was the worst time of our lives and absolutely terrifying.”
With more and more help Children with Cancer will try to save so many more lives and help the families cope better. If you gave a donation even a small amount the money will go towards the nurses giving even more attention to these ill children!
Thankyou again for reading my blog! I would now like to ask you a few questions, if you could answer them relating to my blog then I’d be very thankful and it would help me greatly! There are more details and information on the following website http://www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk/ ! If you helped out, you never know, you could help a poor, ill child!
- Had you ever heard about the charity Children with cancer before and what they do?
- Do you now feel more informed about what a small donation can do and the charity!
- Would you now from reading this do any of the following to help the charity Children with cancer?
- Donate to ‘Children with Cancer’
- Sign up to the newsletter so you are informed about what’s going on etc.
- Help by fundraising e.g. running a marathon, cooking etc.
- Locally tell people about this charity and try to make it better known.
- Support them by joining in with competitions and prize draws.
If you do respond please could you post where you’re from e.g. home town and country!
Thankyou once again for taking the time to read my blog!