My advocacy consists of three main aims:
- I hope to raise awareness of the charity Save the Children and how they help people near you and all over the world.
- I hope at the end of reading my blog you will know more about the charity and be aware of how to support Save the Children and act on your knowledge ,such as; tell people you know about the charity or consider donating money yourself to help them aid their work.
- I hope you will also change your attitude towards the charity so that you are more accepting and aware of how their work may affect you someday.
- Every year there are 80 million children who aren’t attending school due to home circumstances and poverty.
- Every day ,70,000 children die from hunger , HIV/AIDs and health problems
Here is a short real life story about Azul and how he struggles with everyday life.
Meet 5 year old Azul. He lives in one room with his two brothers and two sisters. His Dad died from polio and his Mother died from hunger. His room is cold, cramped and crawling with different insects and bugs. He has malnutrition and eats only what his brother and sister can find for him. Usually this means a few bits of a plant, or that his siblings have to go without food. He is dangerously ill but cannot afford food or treatment. Save the Children help these children by using money people donate to improve their circumstances. They can provide children with books for school and clothes to wear and basic every day needs like water and food. They give them safety.
These children endure every day scared and suffering with no food or water, not even a warm bed to sleep in.
Donating just £10 can help buy one of the following:
- Nutritional food to prevent malnutrition for one day for a family of 3
- 5 mosquito nets to prevent malaria
- one packet of chlorine tablets to prevent cholera (by putting them in dirty water to clean it.
- a set of new clothes for one person
- Had you heard about the problems that the children who Save the Children help endure, before reading my blog?
- Do you now feel that you are more informed about this issue?
- Did you know what this charity did before you kindly read my blog?
- Would you now be prepared to do any of the following (in the next paragraph) to help improve the lives of children like Azul.
- Make a donation to ‘Save the Children’.
- Start or join a Fund Raising campaign.
- Get involved by joining one of their many fundraising activities such as a run or walk or Tackle triathlons endurance challenges and overseas adventures or put yourself in the children’s shoes and try and live on just £1 a day for 5 days (including all food and drink) and see how you like it.
- Register to take part on the Live Below the Line website.
- Volunteer at a Save the Children shop.
- Tell your family and friends about ‘Save the Children’.
Thank you again so much for taking an interest in my Blog!
It will really help!
It will really help!
Chloe Parr
No Yeah YEah Yeah Texas, America