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Wednesday 13 February 2013

One Call, One Chance, One Life – The NSPCC

Hello, I am Ellie-Amber. First of all I would like to thank you all for taking an interest in my Blog. I am well aware that the NSPCC is a well-known charity and that many of you will already know a lot about it, but I would like to refresh your minds on the fabulous work that the NSPCC do to improve people’s everyday lives. I choose the NSPCC as my charity for my GCSE because it is something that I feel very strongly about. For the sake of one phone call, I’d save a child.

As you already know, child abuse is a large topic that needs to be understood and prevented. What you may not know is that the amount of it rises each day. Without your help, this can’t be turned around. The NSPCC do all they can to prevent this, but they need YOU on their side. They need your support, advocacy and fundraising.

The NSPCC’s aim has always been to prevent child cruelty, this target still remains the same, although it has evolved since the establishment of the charity in 1884.

The main aim of this Blog is for everyone to understand that people need to do more to support/raise awareness for the cause. Everybody goes through tough points in life, but it is nothing compared to what these young people have to cope with every single day. If people knew how tough the lives of these children were, they may think twice before they complain about their own lives. I think that giving £2 a month is really not that much to ask. If it benefits a child’s life, worse off than yourself, that should not have a limited cost.

However, the NSPCC isn’t all about the money we need to raise in order to help, it also is about helping children feel happy, safe and secure. They provide workshops and volunteers to help improve the life of a child in need. The key message they put across as a charity, is that they will go to extreme measures to assure the safety and satisfaction of a child.

Do you now feel more informed about the charity I have chosen?
Would you now be willing to do any of the following to support the NSPCC…

1.    Make a donation to help the NSPCC?
2.    Pick up the phone if you ever worry about a child?
3.    Spread the word of the NSPCC to raise awareness?
4.    Join a fundraising campaign in honour of them?

All the information you need can be found on this link. http://www.nspcc.org.uk/ - Visit the NSPCC today, Thank you.


  1. I think that your blog is good :)

  2. Your Blog was very informative and it helped me a lot to learn about the NSPCCC.

  3. 1. Yes, I would donate
    2. I would definitely help a child by picking up the phone
    3. would try my best
    4. No, because that isn't the type of thing I do, however I would appreciate greatly if others did this to help the charity

    Great Blog, maybe a picture?

  4. Great blog, I now feel more informed about this charity and would support it. Good luck in your GCSE

  5. This is fantastic

  6. Yes
    From the UK

  7. rubbish!
    -justin bieber

  8. fantastic! Filled with just the right facts that you need to be inform. You should get an A* in my books!

  9. Great, blog i would like to donate.
