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Monday 18 June 2012

DIABETES UK - Inject Hope and Help Cure the Misery of Diabetes

Hello my name is Millie and firstly I would like to thank you very much for taking an interest in my blog. I chose to be an advocate for the charity Diabetes UK being as I am very close to someone who suffers from diabetes and it’s thanks to charities such as Diabetes UK that she’s received such a large amount of help and support and has easily overcome the trials and tribulations the disease has caused and added to her daily life. I strongly hope that after reading my blog I would have persuaded you to consider donating or helping the charity, for example at fundraising events, raising awareness or even just small acts like liking their Facebook page. Also, I intend to raise awareness on the subject, due to the huge confusion and misunderstanding on the topic, for instance the difference between type one and type two diabetes.

Since 1934 when Diabetes UK was first founded the charity has improved immensely and is now based all around the United Kingdom and is known worldwide. The workers and volunteers within the organisation are continuously holding big fundraising events such as London marathons, UK Challenges, social events, swimming (Swim 22) and sporting events and much, much more. Additionally Scientists and doctors are constantly making medical advances and desperately searching for a cure for diabetes. For years doctors have been able to stabilise the condition, but they are still reaching further for the benefit of sufferers, longing for a cure to be found.

My friend Rachel was diagnosed with type one diabetes, which is where your body doesn’t produce enough insulin, when she was just 7. She had no input or responsibility for her diagnoses but unfortunately due to the huge confusion between type one and type two diabetes she was ridiculed, teased and excluded in school life. She was being bullied for her disease, and when she needed help from her friends most, she didn’t receive it. Thank fully, charities such as diabetes UK made it possible for her to stabilise her condition and return to her normal life. She still has to inject herself with insulin numerous times a day and also has to test the glucose levels in her blood, but thanks to all the support given she is now able to cope with the difficulties brought to her.

Once again I would like to thank you for reading my blog. It wouldn’t be possible for Diabetes UK to be so successful in their research and support if people like you didn’t donate, volunteer and care. Further details, stories, information on events and much more can be found on their website at http://www.diabetes.org.uk/. Please feel free to click on the link and see how you can get involved! Finally please do post me a response with your ideas and thought towards the issue. Please particularly pay attention to the questions based below and it would be muchly appreciated if you could just write a few words in answer to the questions. If you do post a response please make a note of where you come from, for example your town or country.
  • Do you now feel more informed with the subject diabetes and charity Diabetes UK?
  • Would you now be willing to consider making a donation to Diabetes UK?
  • Would you now consider getting involved with the events held?
  • Finally, would you now consider telling your family and friends about Diabetes UK and try and get them involved with the charity?
Diabetes UK is the leading UK charity that cares for, connects with and campaigns on behalf of all people affected by and at risk of diabetes, and the charity is constantly in search for supporters, you could be one of them.

Many thanks
Millie 8B


  1. Yes
    Diabetes UK is a great cause my Grandad has diabetes and without all the support he would be lost!!

  2. Yes i do
    Yes i would definitely donate money to the charity
    Yes if i had spare time and there was an event in my local area then i would be more than willing to help
    Yeah i would spread the word

  3. Yes
    Yes!! my friend has diabetes and she went to one of the events they held in her local area, she said it was really good! id be happy to go with her next time

  4. yes, you have changed my opinion loads!
    yeah it would be fun getting involved

  5. yes
    yes, when i next come down and stay with my friend who has diabetes it would be great to go to a charity event held

  6. yep
    yeah, it would be good to donate by buying something at the diabetes uk charity shop in my local town
    yeah would love to help

  7. yes i thought you got diabetes from eating too much sweets and stuff and when you stopped, it went away, i now see that i was wrong and realize the true causes
    yeah ok
    yeah ive already told my friend!!
