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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Superman would save you, so we need to give Help for OUR Heroes!

Firstly, we would just like to say thank you to you for taking your time to read our blog. It is about a charity that we feel extremely strongly about. This charity is ‘Help for Heroes’. ‘Help for Heroes’ is a charity that helps young soldiers who have been injured in war and also helps their families with loss or any other problems it may be causing them. We can relate to how it would feel to have a young family member going off and fighting in war, as we both have older brothers of a similar age. Just imagining them going away for so long, knowing how much risk they’re at, breaks our hearts, so just imagine if it actually happened to you. You don’t know where they are, if they’re ok, or even if you’ll ever see them again.

This is Craig. You have probably never even heard of him, but he is more of a hero than most of the famous people you know will ever be; he fought for you. As you can see, he suffered many serious injuries due to war which he never in any way deserved.

Craig was 18 when he started fighting for our country. Craig was a rifleman. It was July 2009 and he was on a routine afternoon patrol. It was three months since he had officially become a rifleman. Of course, like any other person, he had never experienced a real life war zone before. That morning started like any other normal patrol. After they had been out for a while, they stopped for some water and when he was 10 feet away it happened. All he remembers is a big white flash, feeling something hitting him and seeing his friend running towards him. Craig was the only casualty, but his injuries weren't good. ‘I was aware I had been hit, but didn't realise how badly’, he said. ‘I know now that the process was very quick from the moment I hit evacuation and the result undoubtedly saved my life. I was taken back to Camp Bastion and stabilised. I was flown back home the next day,’ As of result of all this, Craig lost both his legs and his forearm. Craig was then taken to the ‘Help for Heroes’ rehabilitation at Headley Court and has benefited so much from the facilities there. He said that without their help he couldn't have handled it. He was able to use their swimming pool and gym, and was also able to take part in their ‘Battle Back’ activities, doing things like water skiing! ‘Help for Heroes’ helped Craig get back into normal life.

After reading that story, you can see how much ‘Help for Heroes’ save people from losing the normality in their life even after such serious injuries. Now you've read our blog we hope you have realised how amazing this charity this and now want to help people like Craig. Please comment below. In your comment, would you please tell us your name and where you come from, and always help us out by answering these questions..

  • After reading this, do you now feel you would like to donate money to ‘Help for Heroes’?
  • Would you now be more likely to take part in ‘Help for Heroes’ events?
  • Would you now tell your friends and family about this charity?

Thank you



  1. This is a really effective blogpost, and I understand the charity more now. I would now be more likely to take part in fundraising events and donate, but I probably wouldn't tell my family and friends because they already know about it

  2. This has really made me think about how lucky i am and how much i want to help make a difference! i would try to donate some money and i would enjoy to take part in events by them

  3. This is very affective. I like it.

  4. 1.Yes
    Your blog really made me realise how lucky we are, and made me think about all of the people fighting.

  5. i love supporting other people. Especially the army! I think that they are a great example of people to look up to. They risk their lives for us and im grateful!

  6. 1.yes
    I think that you are right, more awareness needs to be raised for this charity so then there will be a lot more support for the issue.

  7. but these people fight against my country, why would I want them to be saved??
