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Wednesday 30 January 2013

We care for others, but we need care too – Please donate to Rowcroft

Hello my name is Cameron, firstly I would like to thank you for taking an interest in my blog. I am advocating for The Rowcroft Hospice- a worthwhile, Southwest based charity. This is a charity that is very close to my heart and I hope to spread the message during my Citizenship Coursework.

Rowcroft Hospice provides specialist end of life care to those with the highest incidences of Cancer and other progressive life limiting illnesses but also cares for their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. They offer care and support for the families and friends of the patient as they realise it will be a stressful time for them too.  

At the end of 2011 my Nan was diagnosed with cancer, the primary source of the cancer was unknown and unfortunately the cancer had already spread to the liver meaning that palliative care was needed. The Rowcroft Hospice at Home service made such a difference to the way my Nan was looked after. They enabled her to be in the peace of her own home and in the comfort of her own bed during the last few days of her life. The Hospice at home team also eased the anxiety and stress for the rest of my family who were with her through those last few days. This allowed us to be with my Nan at all times and reassure her, while knowing that we had the help and support of the community team of specialist nurses and senior assistants every minute of the day and night. My Nan had the best care that we could have possible wished for her and the support that they gave us, as a family, when we felt most vulnerable and anxious was more than we could have asked for.

They have recently started a campaign called the ‘At Home Appeal’. This service runs 24/7, 7 days a week and provides vital care to local patients and their families, to enable them to remain at home where they are in familiar, comfortable surroundings with their families in the last few days of their life. It is already making a real difference to those who need our support. Rowcroft needs your help to ensure that this service can continue to support patients in the future.

I hope that you will understand the need to support such a much-needed local service. It costs £10,500 to run the at home service each week, this service will not be possible without help and donations from people like you. So please support Rowcroft Hospice and help them to take care to those who need it most.
Thank You so much again for reading my blog. Please could you post me a response with your thoughts, in particular, it would be great if you could just write a few words in response to the questions below. For more information about what Rowcroft does visit their website - http://www.rowcrofthospice.org.uk

  • Have you ever heard about Rowcroft before reading my blog? Do you now feel more informed about what Rowcroft does?
  • Would you now support Rowcroft and/or make a donation?
  • Have I now changed your views on supporting Rowcroft?

Many Thanks, Cameron



  1. 1. Yes and Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes

  2. no and yes

    i have never heard about this charity before i saw this blog. i think the work they do is excellent. I currently support another hospice nearer to where i live, if i lived closer to this area i would defiantly support it.

  3. yes and yes

    i think is an excellent charity, well done!

  4. yes, yes

    Really Good Blog. Brilliant story, made me cry. keep up the good work, well done :D

  5. 1) Yes and yes
    2) Yes
    3) Yes
    Very interesting blog, it has changed my view on the charity and I would definately support it
