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Thursday 28 March 2013

What’s A Hedgehog, Mummy?

Help The Devon Wildlife Centre Prevent This Question From Ever Being Asked!

This statement might sound absurd, but if our actions continue to have the same effect on the hedgehog species, then in no more than 10 years, this statement will become reality.

First of all, I would just like to say thank you for showing an interest in my blog. I’m Ellen and I believe that keeping hedgehogs in this country is something that everyone should take responsibility for. And if we don’t do something now, then hedgehogs will become extinct in this country.

Why should you care?
I think that we should be taking responsibility for these hedgehogs, as it was our actions in the first place that caused the problem. Why is this? Well because of a number of things we have done and continue to do. For example, having netting, ponds and fencing in your garden are death traps for the hedgehogs. And of course, let’s not forget the motorists. Around 50,000 hedgehogs get run over on Britain’s roads every year!
Hedgehogs have always been a traditional British animal, the gardener's ‘best friend’. Wouldn’t we like to keep this cute furry face? The next generation should be able to have the experience of seeing this cute creature, would you like to be the one to take that chance away from them?

The Devon Wildlife Centre & Hospital
The Devon Wildlife Centre & Hospital is one of the few centres left who specialise in looking after hedgehogs and caring for them until they are ready to be released back into the wild. When the farm first started up in 1990-1997, they had roughly 100,000 visitors a year. Then in 2009, they had 12,000 a year. Now, on a good year, they will receive only 7,000 visitors. This is partly because of the recession and people spending less money on their holidays and leisure time, but also it is because not many people know about the plight of hedgehogs and other wildlife, or some do not care enough about the issue to support the Centre by visiting it. This is where you come in. By visiting the Centre or donating to it, you can help keep it running and therefore, help hundreds of hedgehogs in the process. You can help it in many ways by:

  • Donating to the Centre
  • Volunteering
  • Visiting
  • Adopting a hedgehog by going on the adoption program on their website (www.devonwildlifecentre.co.uk)
There are now only 1 million hedgehogs left In the UK (that’s more than a 25% decrease in the last decade!) without help, this number is going to carry on decreasing. So please help, tell your friends and family, spread the word that hedgehogs need to be saved!

Thank you so much again for reading my blog. Please leave a response below and comment on any thoughts about this issue you have. It would be fantastic if you could write a few words to answer the following questions. If you wish to look into this issue more or have decided to help the Devon Wildlife Center & Hospital, then visit this link www.devonwildlifecentre.co.uk/ Please support me in helping this wonderful species!

    -    Have you heard about the Devon Wildlife Centre & Hospital before?
    -    Do you now feel more informed about this issue?
    -    Would you now support my campaign or donate to the Centre?
    -    Have I changed you view/opinion on this matter?

If you do post a response to my blog, please can you tell me where you come from (hometown/if not UK, your country etc.)?
Many Thanks!
Ellen :)


  1. Save the hedgehogs!
    1. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes, I'd love to help support this!

  2. No
    this is a great blog well done!

  3. no
    Good luck!!!!!! :)
