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Thursday 28 March 2013

Don’t be blind to blindness - Help the RNIB

Welcome to my blog about the RNIB! My name is Ellie and I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this blog about blindness. Through this blog I hope to raise awareness for this wonderful charity that supports blind and partially sighted people in the UK. I also hope to spread the word and help you to consider donating to the charity.

RNIB (or Royal National Institute for the Blind) help victims of sight loss and their families through their everyday lives by providing carers, finances and general support. However they cannot provide enough support for everyone that needs it. In fact they can only reach out to one in three people that need the help most. This is all down to lack of funding, even though they are a government backed charity they still need support from the public and, unfortunately for the people that need the help most, they are therefore unable to assist. A main achievement that RNIB help people to achieve is reading Braille. If a blind person can learn to do this then the likelihood of them getting a good education and a job increases massively! This then helps them to earn money and then they do not need the financial support the RNIB can offer.

Did you know that…?

Globally 5 seconds a person goes blind? And 39 million people are blind? RNIB can only help a small percentage of people to cope with their disability but to this small percentage a huge difference is made.

Also around 15,000,000 children around the world are blind? Things that we take for granted are a luxury for these children. For example going to a park and playing on a swing, seeing the sun set in the sky, seeing another person’s face.

But all around the UK there are nearly 2,000,000 blind and partially sighted people? Many of these people are harshly victimised by others about their disability-being blind does not change the fact that we are all human beings.

If this blog has interested you to look further into the work of this life changing charity then please follow this link to their webpage… www.RNIB.org.uk and click donate!

Finally I would like to thank you once again for reading my blog. I would really appreciate it if you would please leave a quick comment telling me...

  1. If you had heard of the RNIB before?
  2. If you now feel more informed about RNIB?
  3. Would be willing to support them in their campaign?
  4. Would consider informing other people of this charity?
  5. And, if possible, could you please tell me where you come from i.e. county + home town (+country if not UK)

Best Wishes, Ellie.


  1. I have heard of the RNIB before, and I am now more informed

  2. Well done Ellie!! A briilant way of getting people to know about this!! A brilliant blog!!
    Good luck!! From becca xxxxxxx

  3. I had heard of the RNIB before, now i am more informed.
    Good cause

  4. AMAZAYN :)

  5. Ellie this is very impressive and as you know your uncle Ian is blind and you express a passion to inform people with good content. The more people you can reach the more help RNIB will get!

  6. This is a fantastic blog! I am definitely now more informed over this issue. Congratulations!

  7. A well written informative blog Ellie. I hope it helps others realise the financial constraints that the RNIB are under, and encourages others to donate generously to such a worthy cause.
