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Monday 25 March 2013

Are you thirsty? Everyone deserves a better life… Support WaterAi

Hi, we are Katie and Rebecca, and thank you very much for taking your time to read our blog, which will hopefully inform you more about the work that WaterAid does across the world. WaterAid is an international organisation run voluntarily by people who devote their time helping those who need access to safe water and sanitation. The charity works in over 27 countries across Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and Central America.

Our aim is to improve upon people’s knowledge and understanding of the world that we live in – making people realise just how much we take water for granted here in the UK and in other more developed countries.

WaterAid’s vision is to provide access to safe and clean water – something that is a basic human right. However, there still nearly 2.5 billion people out there who have not yet been helped. Without your support, WaterAid are unable to reach out to these people and help to transform their lives. As of 2006, according to the WaterAid website, 8.5 million people have been helped, but as we said earlier, there are still millions out there who need your support. Just by donating a small amount of money every month, you can help raise funds to build water wells so that people can access safe water on a daily basis without people having to walk miles every day to collect bacteria laden water that could easily kill them...

Just imagine a life without water running from your tap; having to get up in the early hours of the morning just to go and collect water for the long, challenging day ahead. And even then, this water collected is infested with harmful bacteria and disease. Can you imagine that? These people are at risk from this life essential that should keep them healthy. We can leave the tap running when brushing our teeth, for example, and we are able to wash our hands regularly and have a drink from the tap whenever we please. Over 4000 people die needlessly every day because of dirty or contaminated water that they have drunk. In this modern day and age, this just shouldn’t be happening; and this is why WaterAid is such an important charity to us.

Thank you very much for reading our blog, and we hope you have learnt more about WaterAid and the work it does, as well as understanding why we chose to advocate this charity. We would greatly appreciate it if you could please answer a few questions below. Also, please leave your home town or country in your comment.

  • Have you heard of WaterAid before?
  • Do you now feel more informed about WaterAid after reading our blog?
  • Would you now consider supporting this charity?
  • Do you feel it is important we support this charity?

Feel free also to write any additional comments that you think would be helpful to us.
Thank you again for taking your time to read our blog,
Katie and Rebecca

For more information, visit www.wateraid.org.


  1. -yes

  2. i hadn't heard of wateraid
    i do now feel informed
    I will now try to support this charity
    I feel that this charity deserves support

  3. This is a well written blog
    good luck with your advocacy!


  4. 1.yes
    4.yes because so many people die of these diseases, its ridiculous
    great blog ;)

  5. Person who's done the citizenship before...7 January 2014 at 17:12

    Yes, yes, yes and yes! Good luck with citizenship!
