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Friday 8 October 2010

People living the Bay area should give their full support to DARE

Hi, my name is Katie & I think that DARE is doing a brilliant job – and that you should too!

DARE is a Pressure Group that helps stop recreational land being developed unnecessarily. They do much more to protect the land we live. They give the community of Dawlish and many others the chance to speak out against the council. They give us as people a chance to express our feelings. They are recently working on saving the sand dunes in Dawlish Warren., as they are unfortunately eroding a way, this is serious and massive problem. But luckily Dare are trying to save them meaning in 10 years we could still have the sand dunes we love today.

DARE help hundreds of people by stopping houses being knocked down, train tracks being built through farmers fields, manor houses being closed and being knocked down. They will try and help your issues in any way.

You can contact DARE By visiting there website:

Thank you for reading my Blog and I’d be very grateful if you now please answer the quick questions below.

1) Had you heard of DARE reading my Blog?
2) Do you now think DARE is a worthwhile Pressure Group to support?

You wouldn’t want your home area to turn out like this would you?


  1. Hi
    Before reading your blog i had never heard of D.A.R.E before and I feel that it is a worth while pressure group. I love the sand dunes by Dawlish Warren and it would be horrible to see them errode away into nothing im sure D.A.R.E are gratfulll for your support well done, and good luck.

  2. I don't live near Dawlish but I go there for holidays and I feel that your cause is worthwile as its a beautiful town and should be looked after.

  3. I believe strongly in what D.A.R.E are doing and I wish someone would do the same for my town.

  4. I had never heard of DARE before this and i think it is a worthwhile pressure group, it would be horrible for somewhere like Dawlish to be destroyed so good luck with your advocacy

  5. I think that this is a really good Blog!!
    No I had not heard about DARE before
    Yes I do, it is a very good issue to support.

  6. I have never heard of DARE before and I think that it is a good pressure to support because I have never been to dawlish warren before, but many people say that it is lovely. So seeing anything like that happen to it is horrible. I hope you do well, so good, luck.

  7. Hey hey katay!
    I hadn't heard of dare before and after reading your blog I have realised what a nobel cause it is and understand how important it is. I defiantly support your advocacy! Good luck xx
