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Monday 20 May 2013

Don’t be the generation to wipe out whales and dolphins forever!

Thank you very much for showing interest in my blog! My name is Rebecca and I feel very strongly that we must stop whaling and the captivity of whales and dolphins before it’s too late! So many people who go on holiday to sea parks do not realise the cruelty that whales and dolphins face. Many die within two years of being there; they are beaten, starved and kept in tiny tanks. When you have read my blog I hope that you will know a bit more about the inhumane treatment of whales and dolphins and you will know about a bit of the amazing work that WDC do.

I was shocked to find out that 1600 whales are killed commercially every year, 300,000 whales and dolphins are killed in fishing nets every year and 6.7% of whales die in captivity every year.

On top of that most whales and dolphins which are being caught for captivity die when they are being caught. Animals are severely hurt when kept at marine parks, breaking bones, flesh coming off and that’s just the start. They are separated from wild family from the age of under 1 year old. If they survive the journey to the marine park they will be confined to living in a tiny tank for the rest of their lives.

Then there is the scandal of whaling, for killing such majestic creatures it is a tragedy to know that whalers can make up to $10,000 for around 450g of waste whale meat! Unfortunately some countries which have been banned to kill whales still do, these countries are Iceland and Norway. Japan kills 1200 whales every year; they are killed brutally and have no escape. When I first heard of whaling I thought, why are people doing this? People kill whales because it is an industry with money, the oil is precious and whale meat is a delicacy in parts of Asia. If things carry on this way whales will be extinct in 20 years, this would be a tragedy, so think, if you do not save today who will?

This is why I have chosen to advocate for WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, http://www.wdcs.org. They aim to ban whaling and free al whales and dolphins which are being held captive presently in countries in Europe and America. Ways of supporting them include adopting a whale or dolphin. They need to help though to save these majestic creatures.

Thank you very much for reading this far. I would greatly appreciate if you could comment on my blog briefly answering the questions below and please state your local town or country if you do not live in the UK.
  • Had you heard of WDC before reading my blog?
  • Do you now feel more informed about WDC after reading blog?
  • Would you now be prepared to a) make a donation towards WDC, b) start or join a fundraising campaign, c) sign up to regular updates about WDC, d) adopt a whale or dolphin, e) tell your family and friends about WDC?
Thank you for reading my blog, Rebecca


  1. I had heard of WDC before I read this blog, but i certainly wasn't aware of the extent to which we as humans are slaughtering and ultimately endangering the future of these beautiful animals!
    Because of your blog and all i have learnt from it, i would now consider making a donation to the charity so they can carry on doing the great work which they do and i now feel informed enoguh that i could tell my friends and family about it.

  2. I had heard of WDC and was aware of their campaigning and fund raising. I did not know the number of whales killed each year or the exact treatment of whales and dolphins in captivity. Very informative and thought provoking blog. Yes I would support WDC in the future

  3. Benjamin Manley17 June 2013 at 21:18

    Hello Rebecca. I hadn't heard of WDC before reading your blog but would happily receive updates from them about their work if you can tell me how to sign up. It sounds like a very worthy cause - I had no idea how many whales died just in the process of taking them into captivity!

    Could you just clarify - do you mean that 6.7% of the world's whales die in captivity each year or that 6.7% of the whales already in captivity die each year? Either way, it's a horrific number.

    1. its 6.7% of whales that are already in captivity ,sorry. Thanks for commenting on my blog Benjamin.

  4. Francesca Perren Smart, Newton Abbot
    Yes I had heard of them and I now feel much more informed about the WDC. I would be prepared to do all of these things!

  5. Rachel, Torquay
    I hadn't heard about the WDC before although i now definitely feel more informed. I hadn't realised how endangered Whales and Dolphins were and the statistics are horrifying! I would consider making a donation and I will now tell my friends and Family about WCD.

  6. Rachel torquay.
    I hadn't heard about WDC before reading your blog but I definitely feel more informed. I didn't realised how endangered dolphins and whales are and the statistics are horrifying! i would consider making a donation and I will now tell my friends and family about the WDC.
