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Monday 21 July 2014

Safe water should be a right not a privilege! Water aid can help!

Hi, I’m Lucy 

First of all I would just like to say thank you very much for opening my blog as this is a very important issue that needs to be resolved.

I am advocating for WaterAid as I believe that it is a very important charity that needs our help. I am trying to raise awareness of the importance that every person gets clean water and good sanitation as it is a basic need and right that everyone deserves. 

I hope that after you read this you too will notice the importance and spread to more people.you cooked also support by raising money for WaterAid so they can help. You could do this by doing bake sales or fundraising events or just simply donating.

You may think that there's nothing you can do so why bother? And it's that attitude that needs to change if this issue can ever be resolved because supporting WaterAid can help and make a difference too many people's lives. 

The knowledge that you've made a difference to someone's life feels so good and boosts self confidence. Even just telling people about the issue can make a big difference! 

Water is something people take for granted everyday but what would it be like to have to walk miles to fetch water that can be lethal and full of life-threatening diseases. Even children as young as five have to take part in this deadly water walk! This then takes time out time that they could be in school getting and education and a better, brighter future to earn a good living. All this distress is caused by no clean water source. 

The way WaterAid changes these people's lives is incredible! WaterAid help the villages physically e.g installing fresh water pumps but the real life saver is the knowledge that is delivered. This knowledge is spread from village to village saving many lives! 

You should care because this may not be happening to you, you should care enough about changing lives around the world for the better by giving something as simple as water!

Orke’s story:

Orke was a mother of two with another child on the way. She was trekking on her daily deadly water walk for unsafe water teaming with life-threatening diseases and parasites to give to her own children because it’s all she has. On the way she felt the baby coming. She tried to carry on but she was too tired. She explained “I was very worried because when the baby fell he hit his head on the stone.” 1 day later that baby died. 1 month passed when WaterAid got to her village and installed a pump into the centre of the town. She now had a 5 minuet walk rather then her usual 5 mile walk for water that is clean and safe to drink. She then gave birth to 2 more healthy children that along with the other 2 had safe water, a better education and a bright future. 

Thank you very much again for genourously taking your time to read this blog. If you could just take a minuet to leave your thoughts and responses that would be great. It would be even better if you could answer the following questions in particular. Further details of the charity and how you can fundraise at http://www.wateraid.org/uk/ so please help these people LIVE not just SURVIVE!
  • Had you heard of WaterAid before?
  • Do you now feel more informed due to reading my blog?
  • Had you supported WaterAid before?
  • Would you be prepared to do any of the following
  • Make a donation to/fundraise for WaterAid?
  • Raise awareness for WaterAid?
  • Tell family and/or friends about WaterAid?
If you leave a response please tell me where you i.e. home town and country (if not UK)
Thank you very much again!


  1. Yes

  2. Yes
    Raise Awareness and tell my family/friends
