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Tuesday 21 June 2011

Wise Up About Cleft Lip and Palate.

First of all, let me just say thank you for taking time to read my blog, especially if you have a very busy life! After reading my blog, please do take even more time to answer the questions at the bottom.

My name is Tegan and I am an advocate, which is really just a posh word for someone who speaks on behalf for someone or something else. I deeply support the voluntary organization, C.L.A.P.A (Cleft Lip And Palate Association)

Many people will never have heard of the charity C.L.A.P.A before, but you may know about cleft lips and palates. If not, a cleft lip is an opening in the upper lip between the mouth and the nose; it looks like a big split in the lip. When the back of the roof in the mouth has not joined, a cleft palate has occurred. These deformations of the mouth happen in the womb, so babies are born with this condition. We all should be sympathetic towards the parents of these children – having a child with a cleft can be very emotional for parents, especially if they wish for their children to be operated on. Although C.L.A.P.A try to help as many people as they can, many families do not get enough support; but you can give them what they need.

In some cases, children cannot be operated on for a variety of reasons. Having a Cleft lip or palate can lower self-esteem and make children become an easy target for bullies. Feeling bad about yourself is a terrible feeling, so the Cleft Lip And Palate Association do as much as they can to build young people’s confidence. By arranging activities like Drama Workshops and Residential activity Camps these children get to meet up with others like themselves, which is exactly what they need. Unfortunately, this Organization could do with better funding so that more of these events can take place up and down the country, perhaps in more remote areas of the UK. Few people are aware of these organizations so few people donate to them. Even if you do not want to donate money to this charity, you could help by mentioning it in a conversation so that you are raising awareness of the issue at hand.

The picture above is of Ikhals, before and after surgery. The first picture may be scary for some, but when you cover up the mouth, it is just a normal baby. You can help someone like Ikhals today.

For more information you can visit C.L.A.P.A’s website,
Thank you for taking your time to read this blog, I really hope it was of use to you.
Could you now please answer a few questions for me?

Had you ever heard of a cleft lip or palate before reading this?
If so, do you understand the issue more after reading this?
Had you ever heard of C.L.A.P.A before?
Would you now help to support this organization – perhaps by considering a donation or telling your friends and family?

Could you please state your hometown (and country if not in the UK)?
Thank you again for reading my blog, especially those of you with a hectic life!



  1. I understand the unfortunate issue a lot more and have learnt a lot by reading this. Thankyouu!:)x

  2. This is a good charity, because it opens up childrens futre immensely, and it encourages them to carry on.

  3. I had never thought about doing anything for these charities before, but now I think I would gladly help them in lots of ways. This is a great charity.

  4. 1. I had heard of cleft lips before reading your blog, but I did not know very much about them
    2. I now understand a lot more about them
    3. I had not heard f C.L.A.P.A before
    4. I probably would support this organisation now, but I would not before

    I have looked at the website and think that it is a great charity!
